Chocolate’s Cheryl & Meng deny sex scandal rumors

Girl group members Meng (20) and Cheryl (17) recently clarified the rumors surrounding H-Line Entertainment’s former CEO offering sexual favors in return for sponsorship.

The two rejected the claims by stating, “We have nothing to do with the situation. We have never done or were forced to give sexual favors.”

H-Line Entertainment also made a statement on October 13th by stating, “Meng and Cheryl do not have anything to do with the case. With netizens constantly bringing up their names in connection with the case, the girls are facing greater damage. We will be taking legal action against those netizens.”

Representatives went on to reveal, “Cheryl’s parents live in Hawaii and were deeply hurt by the replies left on the internet. The entire family is going through much pain due to this case. Please halt the speculations immediately.”

Regarding the CEO of H-Line Entertainment, representatives replied, “The two girls mentioned, ‘A’ and ‘B,’ were former trainees, and have already left the company. They are definitely not Cheryl and Meng. Charges against CEO Kim have already been finalized, and we will be working to demonstrate our innocence from here on out.”

source : allkpop

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