We’re just moments away from “M! Countdown“’s “Happy Winter Special” for December 23rd and we’ve got some great backstage pictures to amplify the wait!
The most anticipated stages from tonight’s show would undoubtedly be GD&TOP’s expensive club stages, plus the debut of the 3 B2ST units. Check out the photos below of the two groups hanging out in the waiting rooms! B2ST duet (Doojoon, Dongwoon): “We’re Brothers”
Joker B2ST unit, Yoseob & Junhyung)
Hyunseung & Kikwang say: “We’re let it Kwang Hyun!” (parody of ‘Let it Snow’)
GD has thrown away T.O.P.! Hyunseung threw away Kikwang!
source: allkpop
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